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The Racist Practice They Don't Teach You in School

Redlining was the process used by the housing industry to deny housing loans to racial minorities who were looking to improve their homes or move into traditionally white neighborhoods. Neighborhoods were rated on an A-D scale for housing, with People of Color, primarily African Americans, being relegated to D areas. The image to the left shows the Salt Lake City redlined map.

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I have my undergraduate degree in history and am currently finishing my M.A. in Technical Writing. During my undergraduate years, I focused primarily on race relations in the United States with an emphasis on the Black experience in America. This website is a way for me to bring both aspects of my academic training together.

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It's easy to think that redlining only affected where African Americans could live, but the issues were much deeper than that. African Americans' lives were impacted not only by their geographic region, but also their amenities and housing quality.



African Americans were banned from living in certain neighborhoods. White neighborhoods where POC moved in would typically be converted into "Colored" areas. Famous examples of this include Comption and Inglewood.

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Housing developments for African Americans had less green spaces built-in. The effects of these decisions are still felt today, with historical POC neighborhoods having surface temperates up to 44 degrees hotter than white neighborhoods.



Suburban housing was almost exclusively created for white people in the 1950s so they could leave the 'troubles' (i.e. POC) in metropolitan cities. As POC advanced, white people left, and took with them valuable tax dollars for residential and commercial areas.

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